OWASP Web Security Testing Guide | OWASP Foundation [https://owasp.org/www-project-web-security-testing-guide/] - 2024-10-02 03:10:51 - public:stevetao OWASP, Security, Software-Testing, Testing, Web - 5 | id:1502069 -
The Essential Test Case Primer | Smartsheet [https://www.smartsheet.com/test-case-101-writing] - 2023-10-02 03:21:40 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Template, Testing - 4 | id:1484725 -
Software testing test case templates | StrongQA [https://strongqa.com/qa-portal/testing-docs-templates/test-case] - 2023-10-02 03:19:58 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Template, Testing - 4 | id:1484724 -
8 Best Software Testing Certifications Based on Your Experience Level [https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/best-software-testing-certifications/] - 2023-06-20 22:58:43 - public:stevetao Certification, Software-Testing, Testing - 3 | id:1461476 -
A Guide to Python Unit Testing with unittest and pytest - SitePoint [https://www.sitepoint.com/python-unit-testing-unittest-pytest/] - 2022-08-08 03:11:26 - public:stevetao Python, Software-Testing, Testing, Unit-Testing - 4 | id:1257452 -
Top Software testing trends to look out for in 2022 - [https://digitate.com/blog/software-testing-trends-to-win-in-2022/] - 2022-05-08 07:42:07 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Testing, Trend - 4 | id:1098231 -
Top 7 QA and Software Testing Trends in 2022 - TestDevLab Blog [https://www.testdevlab.com/blog/2022/01/11/top-7-qa-and-software-testing-trends-in-2022/] - 2022-05-08 07:41:40 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Testing, Trend - 4 | id:1098230 -
Top Software Testing Trends To Follow in 2022 [https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/software-testing-trends/] - 2022-05-08 07:40:49 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Testing, Trend - 4 | id:1098229 -
Top 10 Software Testing Trends in 2022 [https://blog.gurock.com/2022-testing-trends/] - 2022-05-08 07:40:33 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Testing, Trend - 4 | id:1098228 -
Briefly Explained Software Testing Lifecycle | TestOrigen [https://www.testorigen.com/briefly-explained-software-testing-lifecycle/] - 2022-05-08 07:38:54 - public:stevetao Lifecycle, Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 4 | id:1098227 -
Software testing trends to watch out for in 2019 [https://code24h.com/software-testing-trends-to-watch-out-for-in-2019-d15877.htm] - 2022-05-08 07:36:58 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Testing, Trend - 4 | id:1098226 -
How does the Software Testing world look like today [https://www.cigniti.com/blog/software-quality-world-today/] - 2022-05-08 07:33:54 - public:stevetao Evolution, Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 4 | id:1098225 -
5 Stages Of Testing Evolution - Techyv.com [https://www.techyv.com/article/5-stages-of-testing-evolution/] - 2022-05-08 07:33:15 - public:stevetao Evolution, Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 4 | id:1098224 -
The Evolution of Testing [https://www.qentelli.com/thought-leadership/insights/evolution-testing] - 2022-05-08 07:32:28 - public:stevetao Evolution, Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 4 | id:1098223 -
Software Testing Evolution & Methodologies – Webomates [https://www.webomates.com/blog/software-testing/evolution-of-software-testing/] - 2022-05-08 07:31:27 - public:stevetao Evolution, Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 4 | id:1098222 -
The Evolution of Software Testing - JeffreyAI [https://jeffreyai.com/the-evolution-of-software-testing/] - 2022-05-08 07:30:54 - public:stevetao Evolution, Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 4 | id:1098221 -
Monticello Consulting Group | Software Testing Trends: 2020 and Beyond [https://www.monticellocg.com/blog/2020/1/31/software-testing-trends-2020] - 2022-05-08 07:30:35 - public:stevetao Evolution, Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 4 | id:1098220 -
Purpose of Testing in Software Testing Methodologies - CSE Study Material [https://csestudyzone.blogspot.com/2015/05/purpose-of-testing-in-software-testing.html] - 2022-05-08 05:29:16 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 3 | id:1098219 -
TEST-INSTITUTE.ORG - USD 49 SOFTWARE TESTING CERTIFICATIONS - World's Most Popular and Economical Software Testing Certification Programs [https://www.test-institute.org/] - 2022-05-08 05:15:46 - public:stevetao Certification, Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 4 | id:1098216 -
Testing References - The History of Software Testing [http://www.testingreferences.com/testinghistory.php] - 2022-05-08 02:55:43 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 3 | id:1098214 -
Testing References - Software Testing Timeline [http://www.testingreferences.com/testingtimeline.php] - 2022-05-08 02:55:21 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 3 | id:1098213 -
How to Write Test Cases: Test Case Template With Examples - Software Testing Material [https://www.softwaretestingmaterial.com/test-case-template-with-explanation/] - 2022-05-07 04:35:55 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Template, Testing - 4 | id:1098202 -
43 Test Case Templates / Examples from TOP Software Companies ᐅ TemplateLab [https://templatelab.com/test-case/#google_vignette] - 2022-05-07 04:33:46 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Template, Testing - 4 | id:1098201 -
Use a test case template to troubleshoot software features | monday.com Blog [https://monday.com/blog/task-management/test-case-template/] - 2022-05-07 04:28:47 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Template, Testing - 4 | id:1098200 -
Free Test Case Templates | Smartsheet [https://www.smartsheet.com/test-case-templates-examples] - 2022-05-07 04:27:51 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Template, Testing - 4 | id:1098199 -
Mocks Aren't Stubs [https://martinfowler.com/articles/mocksArentStubs.html] - 2021-12-23 23:34:53 - public:stevetao BDD, Double, Dummy, Fake, Mock, Software-Testing, Spy, Stub, TDD, Test-Double, Test-Driven-Development, Testing - 12 | id:964574 -
TestDouble [https://martinfowler.com/bliki/TestDouble.html] - 2021-12-23 23:31:58 - public:stevetao Double, Dummy, Fake, Mock, Software-Testing, Spy, Stub, Test-Double, Testing - 9 | id:964573 -
Test Double at XUnitPatterns.com [http://xunitpatterns.com/Test%20Double.html] - 2021-12-23 23:28:17 - public:stevetao Double, Dummy, Fake, Mock, Software-Testing, Spy, Stub, Test-Double, Testing - 9 | id:964571 -
Test Doubles — Fakes, Mocks and Stubs. | by Michal Lipski | Pragmatists [https://blog.pragmatists.com/test-doubles-fakes-mocks-and-stubs-1a7491dfa3da] - 2021-12-23 23:27:25 - public:stevetao Fake, Mock, Software-Testing, Stub, Test-Double, Testing - 6 | id:964570 -
Test Doubles: Dummy, Stub, Spy, Mock & Fake | Medium [https://jesusvalerareales.medium.com/testing-with-test-doubles-7c3abb9eb3f2] - 2021-12-23 23:26:34 - public:stevetao Double, Dummy, Fake, Mock, Software-Testing, Spy, Stand-in, Stub, Test-Double, Testing - 10 | id:964569 -
The Practical Test Pyramid. Why do we write tests? | by Denis Brandi | Tide Engineering Team | Medium [https://medium.com/tide-engineering-team/the-practical-test-pyramid-c4fcdbc8b497] - 2021-12-20 11:26:40 - public:stevetao Software-Testing, Testing-Pyramid - 2 | id:964504 -
The Traditional Test Pyramid, Pitfalls and Anti-Patterns [https://www.methodsandtools.com/archive/testpyramid.php] - 2021-12-20 11:25:53 - public:stevetao Software-Testing, Testing-Pyramid - 2 | id:964503 -
Testing Pyramid : How to jumpstart Test Automation | BrowserStack [https://www.browserstack.com/guide/testing-pyramid-for-test-automation] - 2021-12-20 11:25:32 - public:stevetao Software-Testing, Testing-Pyramid - 2 | id:964502 -
Test Pyramid & Antipatterns – Quality Assurance [https://khushiy.com/2019/02/07/test-pyramid-antipatterns/] - 2021-12-20 11:23:01 - public:stevetao Software-Testing, Testing-Pyramid - 2 | id:964501 -
How to Use the Testing Pyramid to Fail Fast and Reduce Risk | Contino | Global Transformation Consultancy [https://www.contino.io/insights/the-testing-pyramid] - 2021-12-20 11:22:40 - public:stevetao Software-Testing, Testing-Pyramid - 2 | id:964500 -
Testing Pyramid vs Ice-Cream Cone | by Anton Bely | Medium [https://medium.com/@toshabely/testing-pyramid-vs-ice-cream-cone-def4038058ec] - 2021-12-20 11:22:21 - public:stevetao Software-Testing, Testing-Pyramid - 2 | id:964499 -
[Tech Blog] Test-Pyramid [https://anymindgroup.com/news/tech-blog/15053/] - 2021-12-20 11:21:08 - public:stevetao Software-Testing, Testing-Pyramid - 2 | id:964498 -
Test Pyramid: the key to good automated test strategy | by Tim Cochran | Medium [https://timothy-cochran.medium.com/test-pyramid-the-key-to-good-automated-test-strategy-9f3d7e3c02d5] - 2021-12-20 11:20:26 - public:stevetao Software-Testing, Testing-Pyramid - 2 | id:964497 -
Become a BDD Expert | Cucumber Blog [https://cucumber.io/blog/bdd/eviscerating-the-test-automation-pyramid/] - 2021-12-20 11:19:51 - public:stevetao Software-Testing, Testing-Pyramid - 2 | id:964496 -
The Practical Test Pyramid [https://martinfowler.com/articles/practical-test-pyramid.html] - 2021-12-20 11:19:36 - public:stevetao Software-Testing, Testing-Pyramid - 2 | id:964495 -
iOS Testing | Compass by Nimble [https://nimblehq.co/compass/development/ios/testing/] - 2021-12-20 11:19:19 - public:stevetao Software-Testing, Testing-Pyramid - 2 | id:964494 -
Scrum Testing |Professionalqa.com [https://www.professionalqa.com/scrum-testing] - 2021-08-21 13:20:43 - public:stevetao Scrum, Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 4 | id:762788 -
30 Days of Agile Testing | MoT [https://www.ministryoftesting.com/dojo/lessons/30-days-of-agile-testing] - 2021-08-21 13:17:20 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 3 | id:762784 -
Software Testing is not Just an Error Detection Process! - TestOrigen [https://www.testorigen.com/software-testing-is-not-just-an-error-detection-process/] - 2021-08-21 10:12:05 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 3 | id:762727 -
Software Testing Process Improvement: Its Business Implications | swastikmishraforbait [https://swastikmishraforbait.wordpress.com/2013/11/25/software-testing-process-improvement-its-business-implications/] - 2021-08-21 09:16:49 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 3 | id:762726 -
For Software Testing Passionates...: Software Testing Process [http://ashishqa.blogspot.com/2014/11/software-testing-process.html] - 2021-08-21 09:16:19 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 3 | id:762725 -
2. Software Test Process - Software Testing [https://www.gcreddy.com/2019/06/software-test-process.html] - 2021-08-21 08:55:31 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 3 | id:762724 -
10 Software Testing Tips for Quality Assurance in Software Development | AOE [https://www.aoe.com/en/insights/10-software-testing-tips-for-quality-assurance-in-software-development.html] - 2021-08-21 08:54:37 - public:stevetao Quality, Software, Software-Testing, Testing, Tip - 5 | id:762723 -
Software Performance Testing: A Practical Guide [https://www.scnsoft.com/software-testing/software-performance-testing] - 2021-08-21 08:52:52 - public:stevetao Performance, Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 4 | id:762722 -
Types of Software Testing : All You Need to Know About Testing Types | LaptrinhX [https://laptrinhx.com/types-of-software-testing-all-you-need-to-know-about-testing-types-1531552422/] - 2021-08-21 07:34:55 - public:stevetao Software, Software-Testing, Testing - 3 | id:762721 -