Hexagonal Architecture - Ports ans Adapters Pattern | Hexagonal Me [https://jmgarridopaz.github.io/content/hexagonalarchitecture.html] - 2021-09-26 08:50:27 - public:stevetao Software-Architecture - 1 | id:795109 -
Read iSAQB Glossary of Software Architecture Terminology | Leanpub [https://leanpub.com/isaqbglossary/read] - 2021-03-06 15:22:43 - public:stevetao Book, Software-Architecture - 2 | id:574145 -
Read Communicating Software Architectures with arc42 | Leanpub [https://leanpub.com/arc42inpractice/read] - 2021-03-06 12:44:51 - public:stevetao Book, Free, Software-Architecture - 3 | id:574137 -
The Architecture Canvas - OutSystems [https://success.outsystems.com/Support/Enterprise_Customers/Maintenance_and_Operations/Designing_the_Architecture_of_Your_OutSystems_Applications/The_Architecture_Canvas] - 2021-01-30 05:02:41 - public:stevetao Architecture, Software, Software-Architecture - 3 | id:488603 -
Software Architecture Canvas – a brother of the business model canvas? - Aspire Systems Poland Blog [https://blog.aspiresys.pl/technology/software-architecture-canvas-a-brother-of-the-business-model-canvas/] - 2021-01-30 04:53:23 - public:stevetao Architecture, BMC, Business-Model-Canvas, Canvas, Software, Software-Architecture - 6 | id:488602 -