Faerie Forsythe-Edwards Notation - MafiaWiki [https://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Faerie_Forsythe-Edwards_Notation] - 2022-10-19 03:50:13 - public:stevetao Extension, FEN, Notation - 3 | id:1287232 -
File: README — Documentation for feen (4.0.2) [https://rubydoc.info/gems/feen] - 2022-09-25 16:01:17 - public:stevetao Chess, Extension, FEN, Notation, Ruby - 5 | id:1276771 -
Scidb - Help: FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation) [http://scidb.sourceforge.net/help/en/FEN.html] - 2022-09-25 15:32:08 - public:stevetao Chess, Database, Extension, FEN, Notation - 5 | id:1276763 -
An Extension to the Pgn Standard [https://www.enpassant.dk/chess/palview/enhancedpgn.htm] - 2022-09-22 03:03:59 - public:stevetao Chess, Extension, PGN, Portable-Game-Notation - 4 | id:1276689 -
Palview and Portable Game Notation [https://www.enpassant.dk/chess/palview/manual/pgn.htm] - 2022-09-17 15:44:31 - public:stevetao Chess, Extension, PGN, Portable-Game-Notation, Tag - 5 | id:1276642 -