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[http://read.pudn.com/downloads138/sourcecode/embed/591239/LMS/LMS.c__.htm] - - public:legoman
dsp, lms - 2 | id:53145 -

[https://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/ee476/Math/avrDSP.htm] - - public:legoman
cic, dsp - 2 | id:53150 -

[http://www.embedded.com/design/configurable-systems/4006446/Understanding-cascaded-integrator-comb-filters] - - public:legoman
cic, dsp - 2 | id:53151 -

yield two major benefits: first, the comb section's new differential delay is decreased to N = D/R reducing data storage requirements; second, the comb section now operates at a reduced clock rate. Both of these effects reduce hardware power consumption.

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