Keeping the Infield Fly Rule in Effect [] - 2024-06-10 20:36:57 - public:jgebis baseball - 1 | id:1492332 -
One New Rule to Fix Three True Outcomes, Poor Viewership, and Weak Free Agency: (possibly) Shooting Batters on a Strikeout [] - 2023-09-19 22:28:13 - public:jgebis baseball - 1 | id:1484613 -
2022 MLB Free Agency Cheat Sheet [] - 2023-09-19 15:22:32 - public:jgebis baseball, mlb - 2 | id:1484611 -
Boardroom’s MLB Arbitration Cheat Sheet [] - 2023-09-19 15:21:14 - public:jgebis baseball, mlb - 2 | id:1484610 -
Service Time [] - 2023-09-19 15:20:14 - public:jgebis baseball, mlb - 2 | id:1484609 -
The Importance Of 43 Days Of MLB Service Time [] - 2023-09-19 15:17:28 - public:jgebis baseball, mlb - 2 | id:1484608 - Contains good example of how calculation is performed
MLB Contract - 2022–2026 BASIC AGREEMENT [] - 2023-09-19 14:48:07 - public:jgebis baseball, mlb - 2 | id:1484607 -
TEXT OF LEAGUE PRESIDENT'S RULING IN BRETT BAT CASE [] - 2023-08-29 22:35:32 - public:jgebis baseball - 1 | id:1484292 -
The pine tar games [] - 2023-08-21 21:36:44 - public:jgebis baseball - 1 | id:1483928 - George Brett pine tar incident and prior similar cases
The Enfield Fly Rule [] - 2023-06-27 19:54:56 - public:jgebis baseball - 1 | id:1461552 -
Key Documents - MLB Player Representation [] - 2023-06-26 16:48:34 - public:jgebis baseball, mlb - 2 | id:1461537 -
Mark Armour [] - 2023-06-20 22:13:36 - public:jgebis baseball - 1 | id:1461474 - Writings on baseball and the business of baseball
A History of the MLBPA’s Collective Bargaining Agreement [] - 2023-06-20 22:10:04 - public:jgebis baseball, mlb - 2 | id:1461473 -
Demystifying the MLB Constitution [] - 2023-06-20 22:07:14 - public:jgebis baseball, mlb - 2 | id:1461472 -
SABR Business of Baseball Committee [] - 2023-06-20 22:02:44 - public:jgebis baseball, mlb - 2 | id:1461471 -
Official Professional Baseball Rules Book: 2021 [] - 2023-06-20 21:55:10 - public:jgebis baseball, mlb - 2 | id:1461470 -
Official Baseball Rules: 2023 Edition [] - 2023-06-20 21:52:04 - public:jgebis baseball, mlb - 2 | id:1461469 -
Business of Baseball resources [] - 2023-06-20 21:38:48 - public:jgebis baseball, cba, mlb - 3 | id:1461467 -
Cot's Baseball Contracts [] - 2023-06-20 21:38:22 - public:jgebis baseball, cba, mlb - 3 | id:1461466 - MLB salary and payroll