
Yet Another Bookmarks Service

Viewing fmvieira's Bookmarks

[http://www.cmcrossroads.com/cm-journal-articles/12265-product-vs-project-scm] - - public:fmvieira
oldDelicious, SCM - 2 | id:234508 -

that have a direct bearing on how a project will be implemented and what will be its scope. The related documents should be versioned and appropriate entries made in the DIET system for tracking purposes. When a project ramps down, it is necessary to capture (and version) all documents, Management or otherwise, necessary for postmortem audits and to allow for the future project estimation and planni

[http://blog.medallia.com/2007/02/a_guided_tour_of_mercurial.html] - - public:fmvieira
firefox:linux, oldDelicious - 2 | id:234509 -

You can use the following command to do a 'safe' branch switch, i.e. it will automatically use the '-C' switch only if it is safe to do so (i.e. no uncommitted local changes):

With marked bookmarks
| (+) | |

Viewing 651 - 700, 50 links out of 1425 links, page: 14
