
Yet Another Bookmarks Service

Viewing emergie's Bookmarks

[https://webhouses.co.uk/lite/] - - public:emergie
dzicz - 1 | id:281069 -

[https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted#ticketing] - - public:emergie
techstack - 1 | id:277253 -

A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of hosting and managing applications instead of renting from Software-as-a-Service providers - awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

[https://cmpct.info/~calvin/Papers/baker1997.pdf] - - public:emergie
dzicz - 1 | id:272061 -

[https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/423.pdf] - - public:emergie
comp - 1 | id:269661 -

[https://rubjo.github.io/victor-mono/] - - public:emergie
font - 1 | id:269567 -

Victor Mono is a free programming font with semi-connected cursive italics and symbol ligatures.

With marked bookmarks
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Viewing 51 - 100, 50 links out of 165 links, page: 2
