Bing Microsoft Translator [] - 2019-12-08 18:05:03 - public:drbrandus free, microsoft, online, translation - 4 | id:272186 -
Microsoft Smart Card Blog [] - 2013-06-26 16:08:51 - public:drbrandus blog, card, driver, microsoft, reference, smart - 6 | id:57421 -
Smart Card Minidriver search on Microsoft Catalog [] - 2013-06-26 16:06:25 - public:drbrandus card, catalog, driver, microsoft, smart, umdf, update - 7 | id:57422 -
CloudOn for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod Touch (terza generazione), iPod touch (4a generazione), iPod touch (5a generazione) e iPad sull'iTunes App Store [] - 2013-02-03 23:24:35 - public:drbrandus apple, ipad, microsoft, office - 4 | id:57440 -
Outlook Express does not use 3DES to encrypt mail when the recipient's capabilities are not known [] - 2012-12-11 15:53:14 - public:drbrandus 3des, crypto, email, express, microsoft, outlook - 6 | id:57453 - Encrypt Using 3DES
How to Upload & Sync Files to SkyDrive from Windows Explorer [] - 2012-11-26 12:13:04 - public:drbrandus hacks, howto, microsoft, skydrive, windows, xp - 6 | id:57456 -
Installazione guidata del telefono cellulare [] - 2012-07-09 22:26:10 - public:drbrandus configurazione, guide, microsoft, phone - 4 | id:57479 - È possibile utilizzare questa procedura guidata per ottenere istruzioni personalizzate utili a configurare il cellulare o il tablet per l'accesso all'account.
Informazioni su alcuni tipi di file bloccati dopo l'installazione di Office 2003 Service Pack 3 [] - 2011-11-24 22:21:06 - public:drbrandus fix, microsoft, office, patch, word - 5 | id:57518 - Per aprire files word 2 con office 2003
IPv6 Survival Guide - TechNet Articles - Home - TechNet Wiki [] - 2011-09-30 15:44:17 - public:drbrandus guide, ipv6, microsoft, security, technet - 5 | id:57528 -
Microsoft download from The Garage: Mouse without Borders - Next at Microsoft - Site Home - TechNet Blogs [] - 2011-09-15 13:38:30 - public:drbrandus desktop, freeware, keyboard, microsoft, mouse, remote, sharing, software, tools, utility, windows - 11 | id:57530 -
OL2000: Come i formati dei messaggi influiscono sulla posta Internet [] - 2010-05-23 14:58:22 - public:drbrandus microsoft, tnef - 2 | id:57623 -
Security Compliance Management Toolkit Series [] - 2009-11-20 09:34:16 - public:drbrandus compliance, management, microsoft, reference, security, tools, windows - 7 | id:57694 -
MN-700 firmware [] - 2009-11-03 15:25:16 - public:drbrandus firmware, microsoft, mn-700, software - 4 | id:57702 -
MN-700 Software [] - 2009-11-03 15:24:58 - public:drbrandus microsoft, mn-700, software - 3 | id:57703 -
Windows CE Networking Team WebLog [] - 2009-03-23 17:35:30 - public:drbrandus blog, embedded, microsoft, network, windows - 5 | id:57790 -
Windows CE Base Team Blog [] - 2009-03-23 17:33:28 - public:drbrandus blog, embedded, microsoft, windows - 4 | id:57791 -
Windows Embedded Blog [] - 2009-03-23 17:31:15 - public:drbrandus blog, embedded, microsoft, mobile, windows - 5 | id:57792 -