50 Most Recent CBETs [http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/cbet/RecentCBETs.html] - 2023-11-11 08:18:12 - public:GustavHolmberg CBET, data - 2 | id:1485136 -
NPS Solovair | Official Online Store | British Made Since 1881 – NPS Solovair EU [https://eu.nps-solovair.com/?countrycode=SE] - 2023-11-07 08:54:00 - public:GustavHolmberg mode, skor - 2 | id:1485106 -
The Dome is Home--South Pole history 1975-90 [https://www.southpolestation.com/trivia/history/history.html#solarscope] - 2023-11-03 11:12:56 - public:GustavHolmberg Engines of Discovery - 1 | id:1485071 -
A telescope to observe solar oscillations [https://www.southpolestation.com/trivia/history/solarscope.html] - 2023-11-03 11:12:35 - public:GustavHolmberg Engines of Discovery - 1 | id:1485070 -
The Dome is Home--South Pole history 1975-90 [https://www.southpolestation.com/trivia/history/history.html#8081] - 2023-11-03 11:09:47 - public:GustavHolmberg Engines of Discovery - 1 | id:1485069 -
The first funded astronomy project [https://www.southpolestation.com/trivia/history/scope.html] - 2023-11-03 11:07:48 - public:GustavHolmberg Engines of Discovery - 1 | id:1485068 -
Victor Kullberg – Wikipedia [https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Kullberg] - 2023-11-03 08:43:35 - public:GustavHolmberg Engines of Discovery, kronometrar, ur - 3 | id:1485067 -
Move only select files from Time Machine … - Apple Community [https://discussions.apple.com/thread/253993870?answerId=257491164022#257491164022] - 2023-10-22 18:49:17 - public:GustavHolmberg TimeMachine - 1 | id:1484960 -
How to view Time Machine backups from another Mac | iMore [https://www.imore.com/how-view-time-machine-backups-another-mac] - 2023-10-22 18:27:23 - public:GustavHolmberg TimeMachine - 1 | id:1484959 -
Kingston XS1000 portable SSD 1TB - Lagring | Webhallen [https://www.webhallen.com/se/product/363441-Kingston-XS1000-portable-SSD-1TB] - 2023-10-21 09:54:24 - public:GustavHolmberg lagring - 1 | id:1484941 -
A. A. KRSS, 1930d – OAPa INAF Astronomical Observatory [http://www.astropa.inaf.it/hist_catalogue/a-kruss-1930d/] - 2023-10-20 09:51:33 - public:GustavHolmberg Engines of Discovery - 1 | id:1484932 -
Regeringen tillsätter ny forskningsberedning - Regeringen.se [https://www.regeringen.se/pressmeddelanden/2023/08/regeringen-tillsatter-ny-forskningsberedning/] - 2023-10-17 16:31:47 - public:GustavHolmberg forskningspolitik - 1 | id:1484915 -
(24) Ann Fust | LinkedIn [https://www.linkedin.com/in/ann-fust-1a3a6711/?originalSubdomain=se] - 2023-10-17 10:55:27 - public:GustavHolmberg forskningspolitik - 1 | id:1484914 -
Om Oss - FSG Fond [https://www.fsgfond.com/om-oss/] - 2023-10-17 10:49:52 - public:GustavHolmberg forskningspolitik - 1 | id:1484913 -
Sara Mazur blir ny verkställande ledamot i Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse | Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse [https://kaw.wallenberg.org/press/sara-mazur-blir-ny-verkstallande-ledamot-i-knut-och-alice-wallenbergs-stiftelse] - 2023-10-17 10:47:43 - public:GustavHolmberg forskningspolitik - 1 | id:1484912 -
Forskarna som är regeringens rådgivare - Tidningen Curie [https://www.tidningencurie.se/nyheter/forskarna-som-ar-regeringens-radgivare] - 2023-10-17 09:56:52 - public:GustavHolmberg forskningspolitik - 1 | id:1484911 -
Bokslut 2022: Osäker omvärld men stabilt resultat | Akademiska Hus [https://www.akademiskahus.se/aktuellt/nyheter/2023/02/bokslut-2022-osaker-omvarld-men-stabilt-resultat/] - 2023-10-17 09:19:53 - public:GustavHolmberg Akademiska hus - 1 | id:1484910 -
Aktuella utlysningar [https://svenskahistoriskaforeningen.se/index.php/resurser/aktuella-utlysningar] - 2023-10-15 10:40:34 - public:GustavHolmberg forskningsfinansiering - 1 | id:1484891 -
What the History of Astronomy Can Teach Us about the Unknown - History of Knowledge [https://historyofknowledge.net/2021/10/14/history-of-astronomy-and-the-unknown/#more-15339] - 2023-10-10 15:09:43 - public:GustavHolmberg astronomihistoria - 1 | id:1484844 -
Lew Vintage Square Acetate Glasses Frame – Southood [https://www.southood.com/products/lew-vintage-square-acetate-glasses-frame?fbclid=IwAR1JGREXBKIfrECe-VgnDfrOJryCrJ-uZ1FcXSj1-hfpQBTOqtuHc1HCvcg&variant=43069655187682] - 2023-10-09 11:36:56 - public:GustavHolmberg brillor - 1 | id:1484839 -
Kip Vintage Acetate Glasses Frame – Fomoloo [https://www.fomoloo.com/products/kip-vintage-acetate-glasses-frame?fbclid=IwAR0ly5zo91J62Wp6XEdi3_MsvzzaThfBxHNmpxvZCjj4LexwJoGcyU3u-q4&variant=40160442777702] - 2023-10-08 12:59:31 - public:GustavHolmberg brillor - 1 | id:1484837 -
Tungsten: From Ore to Wire - YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuhapGSexyg] - 2023-10-07 15:04:57 - public:GustavHolmberg ljus, Luma - 2 | id:1484831 -
Lew Vintage Square Acetate Glasses Frame – Southood [https://www.southood.com/products/lew-vintage-square-acetate-glasses-frame?fbclid=IwAR0-5ZecnDNDQCCIQnlY1y4LDmIdab-HGEIYEGDn3iqtlpkOGiL7GI6-oT8&variant=43069655187682] - 2023-10-07 14:52:50 - public:GustavHolmberg brillor - 1 | id:1484830 -
”Hänsynslöst” ryskt drag i rymden – ny typ av krigföring | SvD [https://www.svd.se/a/BWX83v/hansynslost-ryskt-drag-i-rymden-ny-typ-av-krigforing] - 2023-10-07 06:24:12 - public:GustavHolmberg planetarydefense, rymd - 2 | id:1484822 -
Avancerad boksökning [https://books.google.com/advanced_book_search] - 2023-10-05 04:18:54 - public:GustavHolmberg digitalhistorikernsverktygslåda, digitalhumaniora - 2 | id:1484792 -
Svensk mediedatabas (SMDB) [https://smdb.kb.se/catalog/search?q=Luma&x=0&y=0] - 2023-10-04 09:37:15 - public:GustavHolmberg Luma - 1 | id:1484763 -
Use of a Photomultiplier to Measure Intensities in the Vacuum Ultra-violet Region | Nature [https://www.nature.com/articles/169325a0] - 2023-10-02 08:36:06 - public:GustavHolmberg Engines of Discovery - 1 | id:1484740 -
Henrik Claesson Pipping, 66 år, Hornsgatan 84 Stockholm | hitta.se [https://www.hitta.se/henrik+claesson+pipping/stockholm/person/0VTgljjjjs] - 2023-09-29 13:19:29 - public:GustavHolmberg Engines of Discovery - 1 | id:1484700 -
DHST Global History of Science and Technology Festival 2023 - YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeX-iQUe-OPodxfRUrcyRpMIy_XgMf-XN] - 2023-09-27 09:48:49 - public:GustavHolmberg vetenskapshistoria - 1 | id:1484685 -
International Astronomical Union Colloquium: Volume 11 - | Cambridge Core [https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/international-astronomical-union-colloquium/issue/319087DEDA4EB12B0094922BB04F60C1] - 2023-09-20 13:51:24 - public:GustavHolmberg Astol - 1 | id:1484618 -
Dr Marco Langbroek [http://langbroek.org/] - 2023-09-17 08:41:30 - public:GustavHolmberg planetarydefense - 1 | id:1484562 -
SOS med Sonoras Specialorkester - Capri - YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX03z6xBu-Q] - 2023-09-16 06:10:06 - public:GustavHolmberg Engines of Discovery - 1 | id:1484543 -
SHOWTIC: Björn Skifs - En värld av Skifs [https://showtic.se/evenemangskalender/bjorn-skifs] - 2023-09-15 12:26:39 - public:GustavHolmberg thegun23 - 1 | id:1484537 -
Geschichte der Firma A. Krüss (stumm) | NDR.de - Geschichte - NDR Retro [https://www.ndr.de/geschichte/ndr_retro/Geschichte-der-Firma-Kruess-stumm,berichtevomtage3094.html] - 2023-09-14 08:44:57 - public:GustavHolmberg Engines of Discovery - 1 | id:1484532 -
Preliminaries — Coding for Economists [https://aeturrell.github.io/coding-for-economists/code-preliminaries.html] - 2023-09-12 20:03:07 - public:GustavHolmberg digitalahistorikernsverktygslåda, digitalhumaniora - 2 | id:1484511 -
History of a Hamburg-based Familiy company [https://www.kruess.com/en/news/a-kruess-history-of-a-hamburg-based-familiy-company/] - 2023-08-31 07:18:07 - public:GustavHolmberg Engines of Discovery - 1 | id:1484304 -
Vad är viktigast i den kommande forskningsproppen? – SULF [https://sulf.se/nyhet/inspelforskningsproppen/] - 2023-08-30 16:32:18 - public:GustavHolmberg forskningspolitik - 1 | id:1484297 -
Missing astronomer found dead in Chile after 2-month search | Space [https://www.space.com/missing-astronomer-found-dead-chile] - 2023-08-28 11:18:02 - public:GustavHolmberg astronomer, heavenly bodies - 2 | id:1484269 -
LIBRIS - Organizations and strategies ... [http://libris.kb.se/bib/10327004] - 2023-08-24 18:24:13 - public:GustavHolmberg astronomihistoria, Lundmark - 2 | id:1483960 -
The Dangerous Art of Text Mining [https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/dangerous-art-of-text-mining/C07F637BB12F7D89CF9295F02EF44905] - 2023-08-21 20:59:32 - public:GustavHolmberg digitalhumaniora - 1 | id:1483927 -
General 3 — Jo Guldi [https://www.joguldi.com/dangerous-art-of-text-mining] - 2023-08-21 20:58:46 - public:GustavHolmberg digitalhumaniora - 1 | id:1483926 -
IAUS385 Symposium - Home [https://research.iac.es/congreso/iaus385/] - 2023-08-21 15:50:33 - public:GustavHolmberg satelliter, space pollution - 2 | id:1483924 -
Lund anställer en stadshistoriker - Nättidningen Svensk Historia [https://svenskhistoria.se/lund-anstaller-en-stadshistoriker/] - 2023-08-20 19:20:01 - public:GustavHolmberg historia, Lund - 2 | id:1483917 -
OAPA: CATALOGUES OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT HELD IN THE LIBRARY [http://cerere.astropa.unipa.it/biblioteca/Strumenti/strum_list.html#Z] - 2023-08-16 11:53:43 - public:GustavHolmberg Engines of discovery - 1 | id:1483878 -
Catalogo [http://cerere.astropa.unipa.it/biblioteca/Strumenti/e-catalogues/Zeiss1933/Catalogo.html] - 2023-08-16 11:49:40 - public:GustavHolmberg Engines of discovery, Zeiss - 2 | id:1483877 -
Episode 122 Asthma: A phlegmy episode – This Podcast Will Kill You [https://thispodcastwillkillyou.com/2023/08/15/episode-122-asthma-a-phlegmy-episode/] - 2023-08-15 19:22:16 - public:GustavHolmberg astma, medicinhistoria - 2 | id:1483857 -
Dissertations of the Royal Academy of Turku - Doria [https://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/50699] - 2023-08-15 15:39:15 - public:GustavHolmberg dissertationer - 1 | id:1483855 -
Haku - Doria [https://www.doria.fi/discover?scope=%2F&query=herschelio&submit=] - 2023-08-15 15:33:36 - public:GustavHolmberg Åbo, avhandling, Hällström, Herschel - 4 | id:1483854 -
Midjejacka flyget - Floby Överskottslager [https://www.flobyoverskottslager.se/collections/overdelar/products/midjejacka-flyget?variant=19417446809697] - 2023-08-15 07:13:00 - public:GustavHolmberg surplus - 1 | id:1483843 -
Persedelpåse med bärrem och handtag - Floby Överskottslager [https://www.flobyoverskottslager.se/collections/pasar-ryggsackar-vaskor-m-m/products/persedelpase-med-barrem-och-handtag?variant=19417397002337] - 2023-08-15 07:09:07 - public:GustavHolmberg mode, surplus - 2 | id:1483842 -