Survey Results « From the Hands of Quacks [] - 2010-11-08 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, forskarbloggar - 2 | id:274786 -
The History of Science Society | Newsletter [] - 2010-11-08 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, forskarbloggar - 2 | id:274787 -
Lack of Flash Gives MacBook Air Two Extra Hours of Battery Life | Gadget Lab | W... [] - 2010-11-05 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, mac - 2 | id:274788 -
Voltaire - Framtiden är inte är huggen i sten - Sveriges största kulturmagasin [] - 2010-11-04 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, futurology - 2 | id:274789 -
Krisjournalistik eller journalistik i kris? - En forskningsöversikt om medier, r... [] - 2010-11-02 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, krisjournalistik - 2 | id:274790 -
Objectivity is a lie, so the truth requires real citizen journalism | Media | Th... [] - 2010-11-01 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, vetenskapimedia - 2 | id:274791 -
YouTube - Swedish Kraftwerk documentary (part 2) [] - 2010-10-30 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, synth - 2 | id:274792 -
YouTube - Kraftwerk - Les Mannequins (Italy, Milano (Mailand) Palalido, 1981-05-... [] - 2010-10-30 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, synth - 2 | id:274793 -
YouTube - Kraftwerk Spezial Die Menschmaschine Part 2 [] - 2010-10-29 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, synth - 2 | id:274794 -
Students (Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine - The Unive... [] - 2010-10-29 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg astrobiologi, delicious - 2 | id:274795 -
IRSPS - Courses and Workshops [] - 2010-10-29 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg astrobiologi, delicious - 2 | id:274796 -
Origins 2011 - ISSOL & IAU meeting [] - 2010-10-29 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg astrobiologi, delicious - 2 | id:274797 -
» Adoption of “New” Media by Historians The Quintessence of Ham [] - 2010-10-28 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, digitalhistorikernsverktygslåda, digitalhumaniora - 3 | id:274798 -
1957PDAO...10..447P Page 447 [] - 2010-10-28 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg amatörastronomi, delicious - 2 | id:274799 -
Populär Astronomi - » Vilka är Sveriges största (och bästa) teleskop? [] - 2010-10-28 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg amatörastronomi, delicious - 2 | id:274800 -
YouTube - Harmonia & Eno '76 - Atmosphere [] - 2010-10-28 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, synth - 2 | id:274801 -
Reproducing power? - History and Technology: An International Journal [] - 2010-10-28 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, futurology - 2 | id:274802 -
Reaching for the stars and staying down to earth | The Bubble Chamber [] - 2010-10-28 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg astrobiologi, delicious, exoplaneter - 3 | id:274803 -
Peer Review and the Public Sphere – The Aporetic [] - 2010-10-28 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, peerreview - 2 | id:274804 -
Denim and Tweed: J.B.S. Haldane and the case of the revivified head [] - 2010-10-27 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, forskningspolitik, marxism, vetenskapshistoria - 4 | id:274805 -
YouTube - A bit of Fry & Laurie - Ignore (Romeo and Juliet lesson) [] - 2010-10-26 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, pedagogik - 2 | id:274806 -
Ecological tragedy in Vietnam: not a children's story : bioephemera [] - 2010-10-26 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, vietnam - 2 | id:274807 -
UCLA Department of Geography - Laurence C. Smith [] - 2010-10-26 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, futurology - 2 | id:274808 -
Slashdot News Story | Global Warming's Silver Lining For the Arctic Rim [] - 2010-10-26 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, futurology - 2 | id:274809 -
Brev från fredspristagare till G20 - Världen - Sydsvenskan - Nyheter dygnet runt [] - 2010-10-25 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, kina - 2 | id:274810 -
Planned Obsolescence [] - 2010-10-25 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, peerreview - 2 | id:274811 -
Planned Obsolescence » Peer-to-Peer Review and Its Aporias [] - 2010-10-25 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, peerreview - 2 | id:274812 -
Kiva - Loans that change lives [] - 2010-10-25 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, ekonomi, mikrofinansiering - 3 | id:274813 -
WordPress › Fast Secure Contact Form « WordPress Plugins [] - 2010-10-25 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, wordpress - 2 | id:274814 -
LRB · Slavoj Žižek · Can you give my son a job? [] - 2010-10-22 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, kina - 2 | id:274815 -
Filtatron - Moog app for iPhone or iPod Touch [] - 2010-10-21 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, iphone, synth - 3 | id:274816 -
BBC News - Spending Review: Universities braced for deep cuts [] - 2010-10-20 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, forskningspolitik - 2 | id:274817 -
Dr Kieron Flanagan profile. [] - 2010-10-20 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, forskningspolitik - 2 | id:274818 -
Evidence and Abundance at The Quintessence of Ham [] - 2010-10-19 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, digitalhistorikernsverktygslåda, digitalhumaniora - 3 | id:274819 -
Evidence and Scarcity – The Aporetic [] - 2010-10-19 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, digitalhistorikernsverktygslåda, digitalhumaniora - 3 | id:274820 -
Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademiens ... - Google Böcker [,+1748&hl=sv&ei=o7ClTKWNBc2K4Ab4sbT1DA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCsQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=fals] - 2010-10-19 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, primärlitteratur - 2 | id:274821 -
Science scholars, science blogging and boundary work « Boundary Vision [] - 2010-10-19 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, forskarbloggar - 2 | id:274822 -
Can History and Philosophy of Science be Applied in Socially Relevant Ways? | Th... [] - 2010-10-19 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, forskningspolitik, vetenskapshistoria - 3 | id:274823 -
Seth's Blog: May 2010 [] - 2010-10-17 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, godin - 2 | id:274824 -
20x200 - Print Information | Engine Lathe Shelves, by Joseph O. Holmes [] - 2010-10-15 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, photo - 2 | id:274825 -
The Human League ready new album for Wall Of Sound – FACT magazine: music and ar... [] - 2010-10-13 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, synth - 2 | id:274826 -
Old Weather - Our Weather's Past, the Climate's Future [] - 2010-10-13 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg citizenscience, delicious, distributedcomputing - 3 | id:274827 -
Theoria - Google Böcker [] - 2010-10-11 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg astrobiologi, delicious - 2 | id:274828 -
Är detta förslag lagligt? - Debatt - [] - 2010-10-11 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, forskningspolitik - 2 | id:274829 -
Därför hatar frihetens fiender liberalismen - [] - 2010-10-11 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, liberalism - 2 | id:274830 -
Only Three Giants’ Shoulders till Christmas | Whewell's Ghost [] - 2010-10-10 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, forskarbloggar, vetenskapshistoria - 3 | id:274831 -
The Anatomy of Melancholy by Robert Burton; introduction by William H Gass - Rev... [] - 2010-10-10 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg Burton, delicious - 2 | id:274832 -
YouTube - John Foxx - Underpass (2010 ''Metatronic'' DVD) Video edit by KARBORN [] - 2010-10-09 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, synth - 2 | id:274833 -
Apple - Support - Discussions - Lines on display ... [] - 2010-10-09 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, mac - 2 | id:274834 -
Processing Black and White Film for Scanning – Diafine and TX! « The Figital Rev... [] - 2010-10-03 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, photo - 2 | id:274835 -