Lundaluppen [] - 2011-07-05 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, finans - 2 | id:274552 -
Finanstankar: H&M Q2: 2011 ett förlorat år? [] - 2011-07-05 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, finans - 2 | id:274553 -
Mats Persson: Det är särskilt humaniora som bör subventioneras! « Ekonomistas [] - 2011-06-30 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, forskningspolitik, humaniora - 3 | id:274554 -
Dags att ranka rankningen - Kultur - [] - 2011-06-27 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, forskningspolitik, utvärderingar - 3 | id:274555 -
Depeche Mode Bar [] - 2011-06-18 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, synth - 2 | id:274556 -
Outputs [] - 2011-06-17 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, forskningspolitik - 2 | id:274557 -
SpringerLink - Minerva, Volume 49, Number 2 [] - 2011-06-17 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, forskningspolitik - 2 | id:274558 -
The Impact Agenda « Sociology@Warwick [] - 2011-06-16 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg bibliometri, delicious, forskningspolitik, impact - 4 | id:274559 -
Kulturen frodas i Estland - Resor - Sydsvenskan - Nyheter dygnet runt [] - 2011-06-16 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, Estland - 2 | id:274560 -
pgn4web - javascript chessboard showing chess games on websites and blogs - Goog... [] - 2011-06-16 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274561 -
WordPress › Support » No good Chess plugins [] - 2011-06-16 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274562 -
Mac OS X v10.6 or later: iOS device not recognized in iTunes after restart [] - 2011-06-15 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, mac - 2 | id:274563 -
iTunes: How to remove and reinstall the Apple Mobile Device Service on Mac OS X [] - 2011-06-15 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, mac - 2 | id:274564 -
altmetrics11: Tracking scholarly impact on the social Web – [] - 2011-06-14 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg bibliometri, delicious, forskarbloggar, forskningspolitik - 4 | id:274565 -
AstroBetter — Tips and Tricks for Professional Astronomers [] - 2011-06-14 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg astronomi, delicious - 2 | id:274566 -
Amateur Science on the Rise - News from Sky & Telescope - [] - 2011-06-14 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg amateurscience, amatörastronomi, delicious - 3 | id:274567 -
People, not papers: rethinking ‘impact’ | Responsible Innovation [] - 2011-06-13 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, forskningspolitik - 2 | id:274568 -
Tikkanen – Grandelius [] - 2011-06-10 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274569 -
Taktik [] - 2011-06-10 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274570 -
Using Chess Tempo PGN Viewer with WordPress | Paul's Pages [] - 2011-06-10 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274571 -
Farbror the Guru: Review of "Studying Chess Made Easy" [] - 2011-06-10 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274572 -
Chess Opening Explorer [] - 2011-06-09 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274573 -
Smaka på metropolen Madrid - Resor - Sydsvenskan - Nyheter dygnet runt [] - 2011-06-09 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, spanien - 2 | id:274574 -
Unbuilding Cities - The MIT Press [] - 2011-06-09 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, obduracy - 2 | id:274575 -
ChessVibes [] - 2011-06-07 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274576 -
Farbror the Guru [] - 2011-06-07 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274577 -
Chess Game Viewer Wordpress Plugin | [] - 2011-06-07 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, wordpress - 2 | id:274578 -
Chess Games [] - 2011-06-07 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274579 -
Schackstudion GM [] - 2011-06-06 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274580 -
Tim Krabbé's Chess Curiosities [] - 2011-06-04 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274581 -
Kasparov - Short exhibition chess match in Leuven likely | The Week in Chess [] - 2011-06-03 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274582 - • View topic - Installed SEO Plugin & Now Have Repeat Title ... [] - 2011-06-02 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, wordpress - 2 | id:274583 -
Hypermodernism (chess) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [] - 2011-06-01 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274584 -
David Kirby’s ‘Lab Coat’s in Hollywood’ « through the looking glass [] - 2011-06-01 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, vetenskapimedia - 2 | id:274585 -
Download Sigma Chess [] - 2011-06-01 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274586 -
Home | The Week in Chess [] - 2011-06-01 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274587 -
Sigma Chess - Macintosh Chess Software [] - 2011-06-01 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274588 -
Macintosh Chess Sites [] - 2011-06-01 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274589 -
ExaChess [] - 2011-06-01 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274590 -
How to publish a chess game on your blog [Chess Web Publishing] [] - 2011-05-31 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274591 -
Chess Publishing: Chess Game and Diagram Viewer [] - 2011-05-31 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274592 -
Hedgehog (chess) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [] - 2011-05-31 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274593 -
Robert James Fischer vs Ulf Andersson (1970) "They'll Do It Every Time" [] - 2011-05-31 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, schack - 2 | id:274594 -
Traditional camera film makes a come back - Telegraph [] - 2011-05-29 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, obduracy - 2 | id:274595 -
Nordiskt Sommaruniversitet - Studiekretsar [] - 2011-05-29 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, forskningspolitik, humaniora, vetenskapshistoria - 4 | id:274596 -
WordPress Installation Error – “Error Establishing a Database Connection” [] - 2011-05-28 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, nätsäkerhet - 2 | id:274597 -
pair Networks - World Class Web Hosting - Authoring/Development - Using MySQL [] - 2011-05-28 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, nätsäkerhet - 2 | id:274598 -
Hochschullehrerprivileg—A Modern Incarnation of the Professor’s Privilege to Pro... [] - 2011-05-27 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg delicious, forskningspolitik, teknikpolitik - 3 | id:274599 -
Oscar Swartz :: Texplorer: Ur säden från hängda män [] - 2011-05-25 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg amateurscience, citizenscience, delicious - 3 | id:274600 -
Gps-taggade fåglar följs - Computer Sweden [] - 2011-05-25 00:00:00 - public:GustavHolmberg amateurscience, citizenscience, delicious - 3 | id:274601 -