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[https://www.teamglide.com/eyetests] - - public:adamsellman
America, business, eye sight, eye test, human resources, pre-employment skills, pre-employment testing, recruitment, skills test, US, USA, vision - 12 | id:265931 -

Teamglide's Eye Tests is a visionary skills tests that assesses an individual's vision and ability to focus on and discern objects, an essential assessment for workers as millions of job roles and work related tasks rely on vision. Individuals are provided with a range of objects and letters in a various sizes to test an individual's visual acuity.

[http://www.destinationcrm.com/Articles/Web-Exclusives/Viewpoints/Attaining-Enterprise-2.0-Through-_Social-CRM_-49949.aspx] - - public:ghiberti
crm, enterprise2.0, oracle, software, vision, web2.0 - 6 | id:282284 -

destinationCRM.com is dedicated to providing Customer Relationship Management product and service information in a timely manner to connect decision makers and CRM industry providers now and in the future.

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