Squishing light, literally - 9GAG
John Carlos Baez: “Is fundamental physics really …“ - Mastodon
John Carlos Baez: “What's causing the Great Stagn…“ - Mastodon
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32 physics experiments that changed the world | Live Science
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Vědci chystají převrat v elektronice. Nová forma uhlíku může nahradit křemík -
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electromagnetism - How can a point source emit spherical EM waves when they are forbidden by Maxwell's equations? - Physics Stack Exchange
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The universe's biggest explosions made elements we are composed of, but there's another mystery source out there
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QED and QCD - the basics
John Moffat (physicist) - Wikipedia
Sort, sweep, and prune: Collision detection algorithms ·
Newton Papers : Philosophiæ naturalis principia mathematica
Physics - spotlighting exceptional research
New theory claims to unite Einstein's gravity with quantum mechanics
A new possible explanation for the Hubble tension
Homopolar generator - Wikipedia
The expansion of the universe could be a mirage, new theoretical study suggests | Live Science
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In Lombriser's mathematical interpretation, the universe isn't expanding but is flat and static, as Einstein once believed. The effects we observe that point to expansion are instead explained by the evolution of the masses of particles — such as protons and electrons — over time.
Attosecond physics - Wikipedia
Ferenc Krausz - Wikipedia
(4) Paul Camp's answer to Does quantum entanglement violate causality? - Quora
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Janna Levin on Twitter: “The Nobel Prize in physics that was awarded today builds on John Bell’s seminal 1964 theorem that helped settle some scores and launch the second quantum revolution. This article published in #PWBroadcast breaks down the Bell Test
Golden Goose Awards: 3 weird scientific findings that unexpectedly benefited society - CNN
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“Unlimited Possibilities” – New Law of Physics Could Predict Genetic Mutations
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experimental physics - What experiment would disprove string theory? - Physics Stack Exchange
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บันทึกครูฟิสิกส์: สิงหาคม 2011
Turbulence Equations Discovered after Century-Long Quest - Scientific American
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Starts With A Bang - Big Think
New Model of the Universe Does Away With Dark Matter
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Modified gravity theory that claims no need for dark matter
Three Impossible Theories
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Egg Drop - Science Fun
The Lincoln High Dive! -
A little-known quantum mechanics theorem explains the nature of all reality |
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The Physics of the Soda Can Crumple Zone
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Frequencies of Musical Notes, A4 = 440 Hz
Python in Medical Physics - Google Groups
The Physics of the Soda Can Crumple Zone
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Google and NASA's Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab - YouTube
Fundamental Physical Constants from NIST
Conan Exiles has an 'endowment' slider and genital physics | PC Gamer
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"Note: this post contains several animated gifs of dongs and testicles from Conan Exiles, and those dongs and testicles are bouncing around all over the place, and changing sizes. There's some pretty extreme taint and buttcrack on display as well. Okay? Okay."
Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. 1 Released in HTML Format - Slashdot
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