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[http://www.gamnon.net/] - - public:xxx
copycat, guide, hebrew, index, israel, medical - 6 | id:420 -

[http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/23068725/] - - public:ghiberti
dupuytren, hands, illness, medical, tendon - 5 | id:282240 -

Dupuytren's contracture causes one or more fingers to bend into the palm. The cause is not known. In some cases it remains mild and does not require treatment. If the function of the hand becomes affected then a surgeon may recommend an operation to cut through the thickened tissue causing the contracture, or to cut it out.

[http://gnumed.org/] - - public:megatux
medical, opensource, software - 3 | id:228043 -

The GNUmed group supports Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and its application to medical uses. As its major project, it is busy building a medical software package that will be * open source * free * secure * respectful of patient privacy * based on

[http://www.quackwatch.org/] - - public:time
health, hoax, medical, medicine, quackery, reference, skeptic - 7 | id:4626 -

To help visitors with special areas of interest, we maintain 21 additional sites for autism, chiropractic, dentistry, multilevel marketing, and many other hot topics. We are also closely affiliated with the National Council Against Health Fraud, which cos

[http://tw.lifestyle.yahoo.com/directory.html?sid=152961657&city=%E5%8F%B0%E5%8C%97%E5%B8%82&lmode=ch_city] - - public:speqz
medical - 1 | id:252841 -

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