
Yet Another Bookmarks Service



[https://www.blackswanltd.com/the-edge/how-to-handle-confrontations-with-confidence-and-skill] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, how_to, inspiration - 3 | id:1490841 -

Start with the Quick 2+1™ to find your answer. The next phase is to trust your intuition to Label™ and Mirror™ the circumstances or dynamics that may have led to the confrontation. Then use a little Dynamic Silence™ to allow room for a response from the other side. Once they respond, use mirrors and labels to encourage them to keep talking and gather the information you need to get to the heart of the matter.

[https://indiyoung.com/explanations-thinking-styles/] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, how_to, research, target_audience - 5 | id:1489368 -

Thinking Styles are the archetypes that you would base characters on, like characters in TV episodes. (Try writing your scenarios like TV episodes, with constant characters.) Characters think, react, and made decisions based on their thinking style archetype. BUT they also switch thinking styles depending on context. For example, if you take a flight as a single traveler versus bringing a young child along–you’ll probably change your thinking style for that flight, including getting to the gate, boarding, and deplaning.

[https://courses.aimforbehavior.com/free-behavior-and-innovation-frameworks] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, how_to, strategy, theory - 5 | id:1489294 -

Free Behavior Design, Innovation and Change Tools These frameworks started out as internal tools we would use on client projects at Aim For Behavior, that would help us save time and create better outcomes for the customers and the companies we were working with. We are always adding more frameworks or iterating the current ones based on the feedback.

[https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7080/10/6/110] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, how_to - 3 | id:1484414 -

Nudging provides a way to gently influence people to change behavior towards a desired goal, e.g., by moving towards a healthier or more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Personalized and context-aware digital nudging (named smart nudging) can be a powerful tool for efficient nudging by tailoring nudges to the current situation of each individual user. However, designing smart nudges is challenging, as different users may need different supports to improve their behavior. Determining the next nudge for a specific user must be done based on the user’s current situation, abilities, and potential for improvement. In this paper, we focus on the challenge of designing the next nudge by presenting a novel classification of nudges that distinguishes between (i) nudges that are impossible for the user to follow, (ii) nudges that are unlikely to be followed, and (iii) probable nudges that the user can follow. The classification is tailored to individual users based on user profiles, current situations, and knowledge of previous behaviors. This paper describes steps in the nudge design process and a novel set of principles for designing smart nudges.

[https://www.oecd.org/gov/regulatory-policy/BASIC-Toolkit-web.pdf] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, ethics, how_to - 3 | id:1484400 -

The toolkit presented here guides the policy maker through a methodology that looks at Behaviours, Analysis, Strategies, Interventions, and Change (abbreviated “BASIC”). It starts with a BASIC guide that serves as an indispensable and practical introduction to the BASIC manual.

[https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1090198106297855?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%20%200pubmed] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, how_to, social_norms, strategy, target_audience - 5 | id:1461410 -

This article reviews 10 techniques used to identify opinion leaders to promote behavior change. Opinion leaders can act as gatekeepers for interventions, help change social norms, and accelerate behavior change. Few studies document the manner in which opinion leaders are identified, recruited, and trained to promote health. The authors categorize close to 200 studies that have studied or used opinion leaders to promote behavior change into 10 different methods. They present the advantages and disadvantages of the 10 opinion leader identification methods and provide sample instruments for each. Factors that might influence programs to select one or another method are then discussed, and the article closes with a discussion of combining and comparing methods.

[https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0022242919825649] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, environment, how_to - 4 | id:1378000 -

Highlighting the important role of marketing in encouraging sustainable consumption, the current research presents a review of the academic literature from marketing and behavioral science that examines the most effective ways to shift consumer behaviors to be more sustainable. In the process of the review, the authors develop a comprehensive framework for conceptualizing and encouraging sustainable consumer behavior change. The framework is represented by the acronym SHIFT, and it proposes that consumers are more inclined to engage in pro-environmental behaviors when the message or context leverages the following psychological factors: Social influence, Habit formation, Individual self, Feelings and cognition, and Tangibility. The authors also identify five broad challenges to encouraging sustainable behaviors and use these to develop novel theoretical propositions and directions for future research. Finally, the authors outline how practitioners aiming to encourage sustainable consumer behaviors can use this framework.

[https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVP8lFcUw=/] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, how_to, inspiration, strategy - 5 | id:1294794 -

Hi, I'm Robert I hope this concept card is useful for you and helps you add a new tool to your toolbox. As someone who helps teams develop products, services and experiences, I did not see many open resources out there that combine behavioral science with other strategy and design processes, so I decided to take my experience and create frameworks and boards to share for free. If you have questions on the framework you can connect with me on Linkedin or see my website.

[https://www.behaviourworksaustralia.org/about/the-method] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, how_to, strategy, theory - 4 | id:1287035 -

Developed over several years, the BehaviourWorks Method is a tried and tested approach to changing behaviours. Consisting of three primary phases - Exploration, Deep Dive and Application - The Method can be used in full, or in parts, to gather evidence on the behaviour change approach that is most likely to work.

[https://gcs.civilservice.gov.uk/publications/crisis-communication-a-behavioural-approach/] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, health_communication, how_to - 3 | id:1287015 -

1. Introduction 6 1.1. Definitions 6 1.2. What is behaviour, and why does it matter in a crisis? 6 2. What will people do in a crisis? 7 2.1. What common assumptions are made about crisis behaviour? 7 2.2. How can we anticipate actual crisis behaviour? 9 2.3. How does trust in government, or lack of it, influence crisis behaviour? 11 3. How can communications encourage the right behaviours in a crisis? 12 3.1. How should we communicate in a crisis? 12 3.2. How should we communicate about threats and risks? 14 3.3. How can communications change public risk perception? 17 3.4. How can we make the most of the public’s assistance? 19 3.5. How can communications encourage compliance with guidance and regulations? 21 4. How can communications discourage harmful behaviour in a crisis? 23 4.1. How can we avoid negative backlash effects? 23 4.2. How can communications help maintain social order? 24 4.3. How can communications maintain trust in a crisis? 26 5. Case study: COVID-19 pandemic

[https://theresearchagency.com/mainframe/human-behaviour/one-time-actions-regular-routine-guide-strengthening-habits] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, how_to, strategy, theory - 4 | id:1257482 -

TRA has added a layer of thinking to the well-established habit loop – can we think beyond push notifications for cues and think beyond a discount as a reward? We analysed five different habit models and over 60 case studies in order to understand the breadth and depth of cues and rewards. Our framework takes these learnings and provides a thorough checklist for the cue, the behaviour and reward for strengthening habits. When you’re working on strengthening a one-time behaviour into a routine habit, consider the various options for each stage.

[https://knowledgeauckland.org.nz/media/1889/behavioural-insights-toolkit-rimu-auckland-council-june-2020.pdf] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, how_to, inspiration, professional_resource, strategy - 6 | id:1064125 -

This toolkit has been designed by the Research and Evaluation Unit (RIMU) at Auckland Council to be useful to those wishing to improve public programmes or services, policy development, or team decision-making. It draws on a range of existing resources produced by the Behavioural Insights Team, the OECD and others (see ‘other resources’ on the next page). This toolkit has two components that can be used either separately or together. The first component is a step-by-step process for developing a behavioural intervention. It guides the user through understanding existing behaviours, identifying a desired behaviour, brainstorming ideas for promoting the desired behaviour, and robustly testing the best ideas. The user should follow the steps in the order they are numbered. It is focused on key questions to ask at each step. It is not a complete guide to how to answer these questions, however, and the user may need to rely on other research and evaluation resources to help with each step. The second component of the toolkit is a series of ‘brainstorming’ cards. The cards cover many important behavioural principles to keep in mind when looking to improve programmes, policies, or decision-making. Each card includes a description of the behavioural principle, some examples, and suggestions for how to apply the principle. They can be used on their own or to brainstorm ideas as in the step-by-step process above. To help with navigation, the card set has been organised into a series for better services and a series for better decisionmaking, although there is overlap in the use of the cards. The former is marked with a red dot in the top left corner and the latter with a green dot.

[https://ucl.scienceopen.com/hosted-document?doi=10.14324/111.444/000117.v1] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, consulting, design, environment, how_to, inspiration, research, social_network, strategy - 9 | id:1022051 -

Method:Three participatory workshops were held with the independent Welsh residential decarbonisation advisory group(‘the Advisory Group’)to (1)maprelationships betweenactors, behavioursand influences onbehaviourwithin thehome retrofitsystem,(2)provide training in the Behaviour Change Wheel framework(3)use these to developpolicy recommendationsfor interventions. Recommendations were analysed usingthe COM-B (capability, opportunity, motivation) model of behaviourtoassesswhether they addressed these factors. Results:Twobehavioural systems mapswere produced,representing privately rented and owner-occupied housing tenures. The main causal pathways and feedback loops in each map are described.

[https://samuelsalzer1.typeform.com/to/hN8BVT?typeform-source=www.google.com] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, how_to, strategy - 4 | id:980357 -

Want to build better habits? By answering these questions you will in less than 10 minutes have created your own personalized habit building plan backed by the best from behavioral science. The finished plan will be sent straight to your email.

[https://dribbble.com/resources/psychology-of-design] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, how_to, technology - 4 | id:959224 -

For starters, every interaction a person has with a digital product follows the same pattern: Information — User filters the information Significance — User looks for its meaning Time — User takes an action within a time frame Memory — User stores fragments of the interaction in their memory For each of these stages of interaction, I’ve compiled a list of the most relevant design principles and cognitive biases that will help you to build habit-forming products.

[https://thedecisionlab.com/insights/technology/this-is-personal-the-dos-and-donts-of-personalization-in-tech/?utm_source=pocket_mylist] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, how_to, target_audience, technology - 4 | id:958928 -

You may be wondering: If users want personalization, then what’s the problem? The problem is that personalization is a bit like walking a tightrope. A very thin line separates the “good” kind of personalization from the creepy kind. “I like it because it’s so similar to me” can easily become “I don’t like it because it’s eerily similar to me.” “This is relevant to me and saves me time and effort” can easily become “The algorithm is stereotyping me and that’s not cool.” This switch from good to bad is where user psychology comes in. Understanding the real reason why personalization works can help us understand why it does not work sometimes.

[https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/want-make-impact-you-say-we-have-likelihood-tip-/?trackingId=GNCUnmVqItS2PaI%2FCeBlTg%3D%3D] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, how_to, research, strategy - 4 | id:958747 -

That’s why we’ve developed an evidence-based approach to identifying and prioritising the most suitable behaviour(s) to address a problem: The Impact-Likelihood Matrix (ILM), developed by our very own Sarah Kneebone. By undertaking a rigorous investigation of the literature and audience research, our technique ensures that the behaviour(s) you choose to target for your intervention or policy will have the highest likelihood of driving the change you are seeking.

[https://bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/com-b-experience-mapping-a-design-thinking-love-story-f09e3403495] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, how_to, research, strategy - 5 | id:802634 -

In their maturity, the fields of experience strategy and behavior change design are moving past the casual flirtations of two complementary knowledge domains into a full fledged partnership: when we marry the design of behavioral interventions and the design of experiences, there’s a special power in combining the myriad frameworks from both domains. This becomes especially effective when the goal is not just to identify pain points in an existing experience journey or illustrate an ideal future one — but to make actionable recommendations that will help clients make the leap from actual to ideal.

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