Kevin Moore - Google Product Manager for Flutter and Dart
New in Dart 3.3: Extension Types, JavaScript Interop, and More | by Kevin Moore | Dart | Feb, 2024 | Medium
Language funnel - Language features planned, in progress, implemented
Support for WebAssembly (Wasm) | Flutter
Ask a question if Flutter built for WASM writes on canvas from WASM.
Dart asynchronous programming: Isolates and event loops | by Kathy Walrath | Dart | Medium
Are Futures in Dart threads? | HackerNoon
Asynchronous programming: futures, async, await | Dart
Concurrency | Dart
Announcing Dart 2.15. Fast concurrency, constructor… | by Michael Thomsen | Dart | Medium
Exploring Threading In Flutter. In this article, We are going to learn… | by Shaiq khan | FlutterDevs
How to Use Dart Event Loop to Improve Your Code Execution
Has a simple example of Dart event loop implementation
Dart Future
a) add the async keyword to the main() function. b) add the await keyword in front of the future object. Result: Once Dart encounters the await keyword, it sends all the code starting from that line to the event queue and waits for the future to complete. That’s why you see the number 2 before 3.
Dart at main · dart-lang/sdk
Dart Announcements - Google Groups
munificent comments on My Best Advice For Dart 3.0 Records
Dart 3.1 & a retrospective on functional style programming in Dart 3 | by Marya Belanger | Dart | Aug, 2023 | Medium
Patterns | Dart
Pattern types | Dart
Records | Dart
Dart Switch Expressions
Dart Version 3 - switch expressions
Class modifiers reference | Dart
How do you pass arguments from command line to main in Flutter/Dart? - Stack Overflow
The correct way: flutter run -d linux --dart-entrypoint-args 'arg1 arg2' file_with_main.dart => main(List args) => args[0]=arg1, args[1]=arg2 The workaround: flutter run -d linux --dart-define=PSEUDO_ARGS='arg1 arg2' file_with_main.dart => In main, use args=String.fromEnvironment('PSEUDO_ARGS').split(' ') => args[0]=arg1, args[1]=arg2
Examples from changelog : sdk/ at 36e4d5e3c206822246dc525498c4b011f4755f6c · dart-lang/sdk · GitHub
extension CurryFunction on R Function(S, T) { /// Curry a binary function with its first argument. R Function(T) curry(S first) => (T second) => this(first, second); }
Composition in Flutter & Dart [Functional Programming — Part 3] | by Yogesh Parwani | Level Up Coding
fpfantasy library - Dart API
Dart functional library that defines composition, curry, etc
First-class function : compose, in Dart
Example that does not work. I reported it here.
Function composition type inference in Dart - Stack Overflow
Good explanation of type system in Dart as it relates to Function types
Function class - dart:core library - Dart API
Access the Index on Dart
Dart iterate multiple lists using inded
debugging - How can I check if a Flutter application is running in debug? - Stack Overflow
Running code in debug mode or release mode.
dart - What is 'Closure' in Functions? - Stack Overflow
Arity, Closure, Currying, Partial Application & more in Dart [Functional Programming — Part 2] | by Yogesh Parwani | Level Up Coding
Dart Web Client Programming Head to Head: Flutter, Jaspr, and Dart Web •
Dart and Flutter evaluation but also Go comparison.
Dart requests sorted by popularity : Issues · dart-lang/language
Type capability modifiers · Issue #2242 · dart-lang/language
Debugging Flutter apps | Flutter
Debugging Flutter apps programmatically | Flutter
Michael Thomsen – Medium
Dart 2.17: Productivity and integration | by Michael Thomsen | Dart | Medium
Dart – Medium
Allow final fields in mixins that get filled in classes using the mixin with Constructor(this.field) notation · Issue #1605 · dart-lang/language
Dart can have abstract members! as of Dart 2.12 mixin MyMixin { abstract String field; }
[breaking change] Discontinue non-null-safe mode · Issue #49530 · dart-lang/sdk
Dart version 3 will remove non-null-safe mode
The road to Dart 3: A fully sound, null safe language | by Michael Thomsen | Dart | Dec, 2022 | Medium
Dart version 3: Alpha around January 2023
Are named constructors a subset of generative constructors in Dart? - Stack Overflow
Flutter Design Patterns: 14 — Prototype | by Mangirdas Kazlauskas | Flutter Community | Medium
Series of design patterns in Flutter and Dart