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[https://www.insider.com/how-to-cheat-on-diet-still-lose-weight-2023-6] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, inspiration, obesity - 3 | id:1461497 -

You don't have to track calories every day to lose weight, new research suggests Calorie counting with a smartphone app is a popular weight-loss strategy, and research shows it can work even if you don't track every bite. Tracking your food can help you lose weight by keeping a calorie deficit, eating less than you burn. But you don't need to monitor every meal — researchers found even part-time calorie tracking can help. Consistency, rather than perfection, can add up to healthy changes over time, researchers said.

[https://greatist.com/live/weight-loss-tips-how-not-to-self-sabotage?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=What+are+the+Limits+of+Building+Better+Habits?+[Best+Reads]&utm_campaign=Weekly+Digest+(Oct+3)#3] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, inspiration, obesity, price - 4 | id:415541 -

We fall off track because a part of us isn’t sure that the goal we’re working toward is going to make our lives better. This causes inner conflict, and when there’s inner conflict, we do the easiest thing of all: nothing. I’ve presented this simple worksheet to many clients, and I’ve found that it helps determine what’s really holding them back.

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